“Holistic, energy-efficient refurbishment of old buildings (GESA)”, BMWi, 2012-2014

As part of the ZIM-NEMO programme of the project executing agency VDI/VDE/IT, the GESA network for holistic energy-efficient refurbishment of old buildings was established by medium-sized companies and research institutions. An increasing number of companies from the construction and planning sector with their own R&D activities in cooperation with research institutions provide expertise in the following fields, which are concentrated in project groups:

  • Energy-efficient building envelope

  • Energy-efficient plant technology

  • Consulting, Planning

  • Project management

The aim of the network is to achieve sustainable energy efficiency by taking a holistic approach, from the inventory to construction planning and execution through to the use phase, using innovative techniques and technologies for the refurbishment and modernisation of old buildings. The focus is on the integrated planning of the outer shell, the plant technology as well as the control and regulation technology for the energy supply of a building. To this end, GESA partner companies and scientific institutions work together in thematic working groups on research and development projects.

Project members

  • Virtenio GmbH
  • Dr. Diestel GmbH
  • S+T Fassaden GmbH
  • Hörtner & Fischer GmbH Klimawelt
  • TSI Telematic Solutions International GmbH
  • TPN Service GmbH & Co. KG
  • S&L Kühldecken u. Heizungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
  • bad & heizung Schimmel GmbH
  • Ingenieurbüro Rosel